Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rap Music Keeps Black People Down

Your initial thoughts right now:


"You just don't like black people. ESPECIALLY black people who have money."

"How is it different than rock music or rock stars? Alcohol fueled, drugged up violence."

Yeah yeah. I'm probably racist for saying black people. You know what? I tried using "politically correct" descriptions of different races and those are considered racist to some too so I'll just stick to colors. Colors existed before bias existed so can it.

Rap music and the industry brings their race down. Rappers exploit their own race. For a country that is supposed to be progressing since the days of slavery and the Civil Rights movement, this hinders a lot of progression. It's our style, our way of life...bullshit. Bullshit with a capital B. Hell, BULLSHIT in all caps and in bold (like how I fit that in? yeah, well I thought it up so kiss my ass).

No one's lifestyle or should I say "normal" (non-psychotic) lifestyle consists of constantly degrading women, "grinding" (this used to be the word for dancing to hip-hop, there's probably a different word used now so maybe I'll substitute "fucking with clothes on" for "grinding"), talking about dick size (to think, rappers portray homophobia), ass size (read the last line), spending all their cash on cars and reefer, and wearing your clothing half-way.

Still don't believe me when I say rappers bring their race down?

For a race so concerned with equal rights, indulging in a campaign against half your race and over half of the worldwide gender, you've already lost. There are nothing but messages (messages? more like instructions and concrete examples) of prostitution, infidelity, adultery, fathering multiple children with different moms, holding back child support payments, and wearing and owning big pieces of shiny jewelry (that's uglier than sin...and they're homophobe?).

Let me put this all in plain English. Every person, no matter if they're black or white, who wears clothing and acts like rappers in music videos (hell, more like everyday life) is a poser. I don't give a damn who gets upset from that, fact of the matter is you are nothing more than some crappy poser who doesn't know how to dress or have any manners. When I say "know how to dress" the translation is to not have to hold up your pants with one of your hands and waddle like a duck when you walk because they're too big (what the hell is the point of this? there is this invention, it's called a belt, guess what it does? holds your pants up! hands free too!).

Why are you all REALLY posers? Because rappers can dress and act however they please because they're rich/have money. Whenever you're a millionaire at whatever it is you do, most of the time you can look however you want. Besides that .01% of the population, guess what everyone else has to do? Wear clothes respectably and go to work (or I guess you can dress however you want and collect $200 dollar unemployment checks...this applies to all races so no, I'm not targeting anyone in particular). What does wear clothes respectably mean? Well, unless you're applying at Taco Bell, McDonald's, KFC, or Long John Silver's, that means for men you wear a long sleeved button up shirt with a tie, some pants/slacks/whatever you call them (no, jeans are not pants in this context and neither are sweatpants), and a pair of dress shoes. That means baggy clothing, hats, jewelry for ALL guys, t-shirts, polos, and tennis shoes need not apply. Why don't you have a better job? Because you wore this shit to the job and in all likelihood, if you wore this clothing, you probably acted semi-retarded during the application/interview process. That means you probably didn't look someone in the eye, say yes, sir/ma'am or no, sir/ma'am, shake hands, and used some kind of slang.

See, what everyone doesn't realize (regardless of age, sex, race) when it comes to celebrities, rappers, rock stars, and pop stars is THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. You think they dress/act the way they do to start/continue some sort of movement, image (unless rich is an image), or bigger reason. No, "famous people" dress/act the way they do BECAUSE THEY CAN. How fucking stupid does someone have to be to not realize this? I could state what I just said 100 times over and plenty of people still wouldn't get it. Celebrities DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. So quit trying to be like them. It will only take you to nowhere, get you strange looks, and a lack of respect.

And no, rock stars are no different. If you mimic them, then you're also a poser and just as hopeless.

Why do you think most rappers disappear after only one or maybe two albums? THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. Tomorrow, there will be another rapper out there with a slightly different twang ready to make their fortune and then live the rest of their life in paradise.

I remember when the NBA came out with a dress code. Players had to follow the dress code while they did interviews before or after the game, if they weren't playing but were sitting on the bench, or did any team affiliated activitiy outside of playing the game. I remember there were several players who claimed this was racist. No, the NBA is just tired of their players dressing like shit and acting like thugs. The NBA's ratings were down and their image wasn't the greatest. They had to start somewhere and, like the NFL's personal conduct policy, they don't want anyone associated with their sport who puts off a negative image. You don't like it? Do something else. What these players don't get, just like anyone else who will argue against me is employers can determine standards for working there. You don't like the standards? Tough. Work somewhere else then. You don't want to work anywhere else? THEN FOLLOW THE STANDARDS. I swear, this is like teaching toddlers to share.

To me, the most disturbing aspect of all of this is that this lifestyle doesn't improve race relations but only keeps them in their current state of flux. Countries are supposed to progess, however, we do not. I had nothing to do with slavery and the Civil War and I damn sure will not take a lick of blame for it simply because I'm white. I was not alive during Civil Rights and I damn sure will not take a second of blame for that either. What I know is I don't support slavery in any aspect and never have, I don't support inequality (whatever that is anymore), I don't support the Confederacy or their defeated ignorant flag (it's not tradition, it's racist...I want to hear an argument for it not being racist because I haven't heard any arguments about what the tradition aspect of this is), I don't support unequal voting rights, I voted for Obama because I felt he was the best candidate and it had nothing to do with his race, and I won't ever apologize for anything that happened before my time or that I had no hand in. I don't give a shit if I was related to Hitler himself or a bunch of slave owners from the 1800s. I wasn't alive them and I'm not going to apologize on anyone's behalf from that time either.

Our country will never move forward if we don't get past this. I realize there are still people alive from the Civil Rights Movement who had a hand in keeping blacks down. I wasn't one of them and whoever these people are who are still alive I hope they die a bitter, painful death. I hope anyone who belongs to the KKK or any other stupid, hate-affiliated supremacist group wakes up one day and realize how goddamn stupid they look in their fucking bed sheets, their one-sided, ignorant fuckass message, and the idea that burning crosses and saying racial slurs really doesn't matter in the long run...they're just burning wood and saying words.

I believe in progression and I will never cease in my optimism that this country can improve everyday and be the greatest country ever if we want it to be again. It's just completely unsensible to me that instead of looking to overcome the most complicated and saddening situations in our country's history, instead it's reinforced everyday by the very people who claim racism still exists and won't ever go away. I no longer know what the definitions for racism, inequality, or equal rights even are anymore. All I know is Black History Month is in February, all it does is remind everyone of a disgraceful time in our country's history, and that there were no rappers on stage with Barack Obama when he campaigned across our country and appears on television. Who was part of his posse? His wife, a white guy, Joe's white wife, and their children.

I couldn't think of a more important posse to associate with.

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